"The perfection of this intertwining is evident in every conversation with each partner. All three bring specific skill sets to the table as they collectively create a unique opportunity for three distinct voices from three different parts of various industries to be heard. The beauty of focusing on what each partner brings to the table from their respective backgrounds lies in the fact that they have begun to understand the lessons they’ve learned over the years and can begin executing them as they create the narrative for other brands." - Kassaundra Lockhart

Assertive. Authentic. Visionary. Passionate. Thorough. Engaged.
"I want to be an outlier… cool drives me. What my definition of cool is, varies and is subjective. If you sprinkle cool on anything, it magically changes. I have to wear sneakers; my perception of cool."
Strategic. Deliberate. Grounded. Inspired. Excellence. Smart.
"Me, being a purist, I don’t ever want to get to a place where I am trying to monetize my relationships. There’s a piece of it where I really see there is a specific skill set I bring to the table but I also recognize I don’t know how to do everything."

Analytical. Methodical. Layered. Intelligent. Creative. Chill.
"I’m not your typical story when it comes to being a software engineer in Silicon Valley. I didn’t go to an Ivy League school. I don’t even have a bachelor’s degree… I got into programming while DJ’ing."

"The fabric of our lives is often made up of myriad of experiences, circumstances and opportunities. They can range anywhere from the homes we grew up in to the person who told us we would never amount to much to the college professor who helped uncover our career path to the stranger who helped us pick up our bags we dropped in the parking lot. Each event and encounter has the ability to potentially change the narrative we are destined to live." - Kassaundra Lockhart

"...Driven by a passion to give back, help others find their voice, be examples for young minorities, share the strength of their network and relationships with others, ideate brands and develop non-linear ways from points A to B, is what separates Carbon Fibre the pack. It is evident that they all play very distinct roles and when blended together their flavor is as refreshing as your favorite cup of Kool-Aid on a warm, summer day." - Kassauandra Lockhart